Friday, 5 May 2017

My breastfeeding experience.

Hey guys,

So i thought i would do a little post about my breastfeeding experience, i tried breastfeeding Albie but never really took to it as he was tongue tied and i had no support from the midwifes/health visitors so i knew i wanted to persevere this time and really give it a go.

When Evalyn was born she was put straight onto skin to skin and latched on perfectly, i had to stay in overnight due to her passing a bowel movement when i was in labour so they wanted to keep a check on us both. Whilst we were in, the midwifes were really supportive and kept coming to check the latch was still okay and that she was feeding enough. We were discharged the next day and they were really pleased with her feeding.

So when we got home, i literally felt like a cow being milked, she was constantly feeding and every time i thought about giving up i remembered how much i wanted to do it and i was always told never give up on a bad day! That always stuck with me and as the months went on their was plenty of times that i just called my husband and said i cant do this shes going on formula and he would always remind me of that sentence so i feel that really helped me.

The right support can really help with breastfeeding and without it i dont think i would of got this far. So i managed to get to six and a half months and i am so proud of myself for getting as far as i have and im so gutted that i have had to give up due to going back to work. I haven't actually stopped feeding her yet, mostly because of me. I am so reluctant to give it up, i feel like its given us such a strong bond and i feel like its my special bond with her that nobody else has so i am completely gutted as i tried expressing but i wouldn't even get half an ounce from an hours pumping session - i used the lansinoh electric pump which was really comfortable, i also tried the lansinoh manual pump too but had no luck with either which i think was down to me rather than the pumps because i have heard so many great things about the pumps.

So overall i really do recommend giving breastfeeding a try even if it doesn't work out at least you can say you've tried and if it does work out, thats even better. Because i hate doing bottles now haha, i find it so time consuming.

Take care
Megan x

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