Saturday, 26 March 2016

My first trimester.

Hey guys,

I thought I would do a post on my first trimester and how I found it, I am moving into my second trimester now and I cant wait!

So at around 6 weeks I started getting morning sickness. It hasn't stopped, I have had it every single day, every time I eat and it has been awful. I never got morning sickness with Albie so I had never experienced it but I have been trying to embrace it as I am trying to enjoy being pregnant this time round. (I am finding that hard to)

I have also had excruciating back pain and headaches, to the point that some days I have found even walking hard but I have struggled on through and the back pain seems to have come to an end (touch wood). I am still getting headaches but they are easing off a little bit now too, so now all I need is the sickness to disappear and I will love being pregnant.

Don't get me wrong, I feel so lucky to be in a position that I can have children and I thank my lucky stars every night but I am most definitely one of those women who prefer to give birth than be pregnant. People say to me are you nuts, pregnancy is the easy bit? But I disagree, I didn't enjoy being pregnant with Albie and I am not enjoying it this time around much either. I had such an easy labour with Albie that I can honestly say I prefer to give birth.

I know in the end, this is all so worth it and I am so looking forward to our baby being here. Apart from the sickness and back pain everything is going swimmingly, baby is healthy and seems to be growing and developing as they should be which is great news. I haven't put on any weight yet as whatever I am eating just comes straight back up but I am sure my body will make up for that in due course.

Did you guys enjoy being pregnant? What do you prefer, being pregnant or giving birth? Let me know in the comments.

Take care.
Megan x

Friday, 25 March 2016

I am pregnant!

So guys, ive been away again for a while and the reason if you couldn't tell from the title is I'M PREGNANT.

Now I know being pregnant in itself does not mean I should of neglected my blog but I have been finding it quite difficult. ( I will explain more in my next blog post about my first trimester)

So, we found out we were expecting another little bundle of joy around 8 weeks ago, so I was 5 weeks pregnant and it has been so hard trying to keep it hidden from everyone. A few sneaky people guessed from some of my tweets though. We are absolutely over the moon and Albie is also very excited.

So the exciting bit, when is the baby due? Our due date is the 30th September but this could all change as with Albie I went from the 24th of January to the 8th January but for now its the 30th September.

Do we know the gender? No, I am only 13 weeks at the moment so they couldn't tell but we are hopefully going to find out if we are expecting a baby boy or a baby girl. We will be more than happy with either gender, we just cant wait for baby Ballard to be here.

Do we have any names? Yes, we have a girls name picked out but no boys names. We always seem to struggle with boys names. We are going to be keeping the names quiet though until we are 100% sure and until we know the gender.

Is Albie excited? Albie doesn't fully understand but he does know that mummy has a baby in her tummy so he has to be careful and quite often he will lift my top/dress up to say hello to baby and stroke my tummy.

Anyway, I am going to be doing a full post on my first trimester to give you a bit more of an insight into how I am finding this pregnancy so make sure you keep your eyes peeled for that one.

Hope you enjoyed this post.
Take care.
Megan x